Preferred Compost & Mulch Delivery Service Providers
Mecklenburg County does not endorse any of the vendors listed here over other vendors, listed or not. The vendors listed here are familiar with our mulch and compost products and have pledged to perform work in a customer friendly manner. You are free to use one of these vendors or any vendor of your choice to haul materials to your home or business.

24K Hauling
Phone: (704) 916-9379
Email: [email protected]
- Can haul up to 15 cu. Yds.
- Bonded, certified, and commercially insured
- Delivery available anywhere in Mecklenburg County & surrounding areas

D3 Landscaping & Hauling Services
Phone: 704-712-0452
Email: [email protected]
- Can haul up to 14 cu.yds.
- Available to deliver in S.Charlotte & beyond area
- Other areas may be available w/surcharge

Off-Duty Hauling & Removal
Phone: 704-506-5538
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: Off Duty Hauling & Removal
- Can haul up to 15 cu/yds.
- Spreading available w/surcharge
- Hauling services available 6 days a week. Available after 4 PM
- Negotiable delivery area. Call for details